Fake Web Client
This is a simple website design I made for this fake client brief that I got from fakeclients.com
Thank you, and enjoy :)
*this is a design pitch, not meant to be fully functioning*
Dear Savannah Perez,
I hope you are doing well. I am Kattie Roach. I am the marketing director at Insync and I was tasked to look for someone that can help us with a new website design because we want a fresh look for our business. We're a small biotechnology company and while we are operating within a niche market, we still compete with companies like Seagen. We would like a website design just like theirs. The website design will need to primarily look good on mobile devices and We don't know which colors would fit best with the website design so we want you to figure that out. We would like you to go for a sleek and modern-looking design and please keep accessibility in mind to make the design inclusive to the needs of all our users. 
Sincerely, Kattie Roach

I decided to use greens as the primary colors of this website as I felt that fit their company.I made a mobile version, as that is the primary mode they requested. Simple use for the viewer, icons that are easy to navigate, not too much going on and small text areas. 
The extra pages that are accessed through the top right drop down menu are not all functioning, but I made a couple as examples. one being a resource page for interested clients and the other being a page for main advisors or important people in the company. There is also a page were potential clients can send in inquiries and questions to the company.   
Here is a prototype that you can navigate through yourself! 
Thank you! 
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